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Doctor's Desk


Booking Information

Same Day Appointments:

Same day appointments must be made by phone. 



 Please book your complimentary consult with Dr. Jessica Pierce or Dr. Ashley Irizarry.


Direct Primary Care "Meet & Greets":

May be scheduled with Dr. Jessica Pierce. We kindly request that you familiarize yourself with our direct primary care program and FAQ page before the meet & greet.  Please note that our primary care program is membership based and we do not bill insurance for visits, as all primary care visits are covered by your membership fee. Insurance may be utilized for lab work and medication.


HRT Consults:

HRT consults may be booked with Dr. Ashley Irizarry


Weight Loss Consults:

Weight loss consults may be booked with Dr. Bita Shakib


Aesthetic Consults:

Aesthetic consults may be booked with Shreena Narsey, RN


IV Happy hour:

Please select "IV Lounge" as the appointment type and specify IV desired in the note section. IV Happy Hour Provider: Dr. Bita Shakib


Late Cancellations & No Shows

We respectfully request at least 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment. If proper notice is not provided, missed appointments will be billed according to the following fee:


Late cancellation: $55

No-Show: $80






New Wave Medicine Renton

 All services are available out of our Renton location







New Wave Medicine Burien

Available services: Primary care visits, HRT visits, ketamine consults and treatments, IV therapy and nutrient injections






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